Podcasts, Vocabulary Guides & Interactive Transcripts

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List of Episodes


  • For newer posts: The title of the episode will take you to the YouTube video (where you may also find the links to Patreon's materials on the description box of the video).

  • Below the name of the episode, you will see the links for the materials.

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Episodio 338: El mundo de los libros

Have you ever thought about the book industry? If you haven’t, here are some interesting facts about them as well as our recommendations for your next Spanish read.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 337: Cómo ir al hospital en español + cirugía de Ana

Ana was hospitalized… In this episode we share her story to give you lots of vocabulary and tips in case one day you have to go to the hospital in a Spanish speaking country.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 336: El rey poeta (Historia de México)

This king was not only good with politics, he also brought so much progress to our prehispanic culture. Learn more about Netzahuatcoyotl.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 335: Verbos reflexivos y palabras para hablar de higiene personal

Books don’t often teach you how to shower or shave in Spanish, do they? This episode is all about hygiene expressions that Mexican people use every day.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 334: Español de la vida real: Coches

Would you know how to refuel your car in Mexico or what to do in a car wash?

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 333: Salud mental para los estudiantes de español

Did you know mental health has a huge impact on your language learning? In this episode, we’ll talk about how you can take care of your mental health while mastering your Spanish.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide


Episodio 332: Puras buenas noticias (2024)

Let’s finish the year 2024 listening to happy news.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 331: Storytime en español- Unas vacaciones intensas

Listen to some of the crazy things that happened during our last trip to the beach!

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 330: Los beneficios inesperados de hablar contigo mismo

Talking to yourself might be embarrassing in some countries but it’s super beneficial.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 329: Esperanza para los niños de México (Entrevista)

In this interview, you’ll learn about Teletón and how it helps Mexican children overcome cancer and many disabilities.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 328: Cuando saber otro idioma cambia el destino

These people changed the world a little just by learning another language. Maybe one day you’ll do it too!

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 327: Chistes con explicación (parte 2)

Understanding humor in a new language can be challenging. In this episode, we’ll share some jokes and explain why they’re funny.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 326: Cosas que los mexicanos te dirán cuando haya un problema

We say these things ALL THE TIME, but you’ve probably never heard them before while studying Spanish.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 325: La controversia de los deportes

Should breakdance be considered a sport? Who says what a sport is?

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 324: Los idiomas que se parecen al español

Some languages are clearly similar to Spanish but what about Romanian, English or even German? In this episode we also talk about words that look really similar to each other but their meaning is completely different.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 323: Consejos de un estudiante avanzado para ser avanzado

Meet our friend Leo! He is an advanced student who will share what made him succeed with Spanish.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 322: Condicional 2 - ¿Qué pasaría si los humanos desaparecieran?

Can you imagine what would happen if humans disappeared?

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 321: Cómo conectar con un hispano

These dos and don’ts will help you understand our culture better and create great bonds with us.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 320: ¿Lo logramos? Ser una familia bilingüe

We want to share with you our experience as we raise our child as a bilingual.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 319: ¿Cómo te identificas? Eneagrama en español

In this episode we talk about the Enneagram Personality Test. Can you guess what David’s and Ana’s personality is?

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 318: Un chef nos habla sobre la cocina mexicana

Learn more about Mexican cuisine in this interview with Jorge Rodríguez, a very talented Mexican chef.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 317: Lo que puedes aprender de los políglotas famosos

In this episode, we share what the most famous polyglots recommend for learning languages.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 316: La moda de vivir lento

Slow down! In this episode, we’ll tell you how.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 315: Frases de conversación que necesitas usar

No one has ever taught you these Mexican phrases. Use them and start speaking like a true Mexican.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 314: Cómo comprar una casa en México para un extranjero

Are you interested in buying a house in Mexico? In this episode, our friend and co-producer Efton shares his experience.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 313: Cómo elegir el regalo perfecto + frases de regalos

Watch this and you’ll never struggle again to find the perfect gift.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 312: Cuando cumples tu sueño de hablar español

In this episode we interview a very special guest: our friend Okee!

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 311: Adivina la palabra parte 2

Let’s play again! We describe, you guess the word in Spanish.

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

*Starting from this episode, there will only be one Patreon post for each episode.

Episodio 309: Frases de abuelitas y de jóvenes

It’s like each generation has their own language!

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 308: Experiencias comunes que son extrañas

We all have experienced these things but… why?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 307: El poder de las palabras

Your words matter more than you think.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 306: Historias ocultas de México

We talk about unknown but essential parts of Mexico’s history

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 305: Hablemos de telenovelas

Did you know some people use our most dramatic TV shows to study Spanish?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 304: El nuevo presidente de México es mujer

Meet Claudia Sheinbaum, our new president

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 303: Mentalidad positiva para aprender español

We teach you the different structures to flatter people in Spanish

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 302: Cambios inesperados con un bebé + expresiones nuevas en español

We teach you the different structures to flatter people in Spanish

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 301: Cómo halagar en español

We teach you the different structures to flatter people in Spanish

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 300: 300 semanas contigo

Can you believe it? We’ve created 300 episodes so far! Let’s make a recap.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 299: Los momentos más vulnerables

You’re not alone! We’ve all gone through these embarrassing moments.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 298: Las elecciones en México

This is how someone becomes a President in Mexico.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 297: Frases que no conocías (el clima)

Did you know that we use words such as penguins and beans to talk about the weather?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 296: En México tiembla + qué hacer

Have you ever experienced an earthquake? We tell you about a mystery regarding earthquakes in México.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 295: El gigante del comercio electrónico

Would you buy something from Temu? Let’s talk about its successful strategy.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 294: Conociendo a Claudia + Nuevo proyecto

Say hello to our friend Claudia… and to How to Start Spanish!

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 293: Los beneficios ocultos de aprender un idioma

Are you struggling to stay motivated? Just listen to this podcast where we mention some valuable things you earn while learning.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 292: Tipos de conversadores

If your communication with someone has never gone well, this video might be just what you need!

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 291: La canción mexicana robada

This is the most Mexican song ever… or not.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 290: ¿Podemos leer la mente?

Do you think we can read minds now? Let’s find out!

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 289: Preguntas (absurdas) sin respuesta

Let’s have fun trying to answer these absurd questions together.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 288: El ADN mexicano

DNA is a wonderful thing! Let’s talk about the newest findings of Mexican DNA.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 287: Palabras mexicanas con CH

Some of our coolest words and expressions start with “ch”. Have you heard them all?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 286: Choques culturales en tu propio país

Can you imagine being surrounded by foreigners in your own country? We were! This is what it feels like.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 285: No queremos ser virales- Crecimiento sustentable

Rome was not built in a day! We share our experience as content creators to help you in your journey as a Spanish student.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 284: ¿Cuántos clichés conoces?

How do you feel about clichés? Here are some very popular ones in Spanish.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 283: Aquí hay todo: Ciudad de México

Learn about the places you shouldn’t miss if you ever visit Mexico City.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 282: Cómo responder en situaciones vergonzosas + anuncio importante

There are things no one prepares you for… No one except for us! Learn how to deal with some embarrassing situations in Spanish.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 281: Entrevista con experto en finanzas: Usa mejor tu dinero

Managing your money is not always easy. Let’s learn together with an expert!

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 280: Mejores conversaciones en 2024

Stop feeling awkward and shy! Here are some tips to be more likeable.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide


Episodio 279: Navidad: Las cosas que no nos encantan.

We love Christmas! But we must admit that there are some things about Christmas time that we don’t like as much.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 278: 3 curiosidades del español

Spanish is a language full of surprises. Let’s talk about 3 things you won’t find in text books.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 277: ¿Qué tanto me conoces? - Preguntas interesantes

We are always learning new things about people. Here are some questions you can use with your loved ones to find out how much you know about each other.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 276: Reto de vocabulario

Do you know the word in Spanish? Try to guess the object and its name!

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 275: Lo que tu generación dice de ti

It’s crazy how the time in history we were born into can have such a big influence in our mindset, priorities and values.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 274: Quinceañeras, una tradición mexicana

Many mexican girls dream of having a “quinceañera” party. We want to share with you some interesting things you might have never heard before.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 273: Entrevista con la escritora del best seller El murmullo de las abejas

Sofía Segovia is a famous writer. Let’s talk about her best seller, a book that is being read all around the world.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 272: El negocio de mis sueños (entrevista avanzada)

Vanessa never imagined her dream would come true so fast. We recorded this in a coffee

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 271: Qué es y cómo salir de tu zona de confort

Is it worth the struggle? How to step out of the confort zone when studying Spanish?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 270: ¿Tienes estas 4 habilidades en español?

Improve your Spanish by practicing the main 4 skills

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 269: Un buen discurso

If you struggle with public speeches, you need to watch this.

Vocabulary guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 268: Costumbres mexicanas extrañas Parte 2

We bet you’ve never seen people acting this way before. Here are a few things only Mexican people do.

Vocabulary guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 267: Hablemos sobre el sarcasmo

Sarcasm. Some people love it, some people hate it. What kind of person are you?

Vocabulary guide

Intreactive Transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 266: Cómo regresar después de una pausa

If you’re struggling to get back on track after a long pause, this episode is just what you need.

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 265: Un símbolo muy mexicano: Los mariachis

Who doesn’t love mariachis? Here are some interesting facts about them

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 264: El origen de las cosas

There are many objects we take for granted but have you ever wondered where did they come from?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 263: Alexitima, no tener emociones

Can you imagine not being able to recognize the emotions you’re feeling?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 262: Tener un bebé antes vs ahora (ft. mamá de Ana)

How was it like to be pregnant and have a baby back then and how is it now?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 261: ¿Dónde compran los mexicanos?

These are the main shopping places and things you can find in Mexico

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 260: Conociendo México Parte 3

Let’s learn about Guanajuato and Chiapas… and a bread soup

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + Vocabulary Guide

Episodio 259: Debate: ¿El español debe evolucionar? Ft. papá de Ana

Ana’s Are we killing good Spanish? Should we embrace the changes in the language?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary guide

Episodio 258: Conversación con pasado (y noticia importante)

Spanish questions to practice using the past tense in conversation + our first Spanish course Master the Past Tense is available now

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + Vocabulary Guide

Episodio 257: ¿Te imaginas escribir un libro en español? Ft. Bonnie Wolkenstein

Bonnie, a community member, has written a book in English and Spanish!

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + Vocabulary

Her book / Writer’s retreat in Mexico

Episodio 256: Con esto cocinan los mexicanos

This is why Mexican cuisine is so special

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + Vocabulary

Episodio 255: Libros increíbles, películas geniales

These great books were a huge success when taken to the big screen

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + Vocabulary

Episodio 254: ¿No lavar la ropa? Tendencias 2023

How often do you wash your jeans? Let’s talk about world tendencies this year

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + Vocabulary

Episodio 253: El pan dulce en México

Bread is a huge part of Mexican culture. Learn what we eat and how it all started

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + Vocabulary

Episodio 252: Aprendamos sobre iluminación ft. Daniel

Can you understand a native speaker explaining his job and how lighting works in a space?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive Transcript + Vocabulary Guide

Episodio 251: Chat GPT, ¿para aprender español?

Will AI replace language teachers? What can you do with this tech today?

Vocabulary Guide

Interactive transcript + Vocabulary Guide

Episodio 250: Cómo vivir tu vida en otro idioma

Ana is switching her main living language to English to raise their kid bilingually. Here are some tips for you too.

Vocabulary Guide

Vocabulary Guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 249: 10 expresiones del mundo hispanohablante

Phrases used in Venezuela, Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia

Vocabulary Guide

Vocabulary Guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 248: Hablemos de emociones en español

Did you know the name of these emotions in Spanish?

Vocabulary Guide

Vocabulary Guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 247: Preguntas con frases avanzadas

Fun questions to practice conversation. You will learn new native-like expressions

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 246: Cosas que un mexicano nunca diría

Don’t make these mistakes, say this instead

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 245: Charla casual con Suave Spanish

Listen to a conversation between 4 people with different accents and backgrounds

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 244: GET en español

Learn how to use the verb get in Spanish

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 243: Conociendo México Parte 2

Have you visited these states in Mexico?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 242: ¿Cómo funciona el miedo?

Let’s talk about fear in Spanish

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 241: Colombia adivina frases mexicanas ft. SpanishLand

A collab with Nate and Andrea from SpanishLand

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Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Our video on their channel

Episodio 240: La palabra con más significados

Did you know this common verb has over 60 different meanings?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 239: Situaciones incómodas

Social awkward interactions that happen every day

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 238: Preguntas con gramática interesante

Learn these common grammar structures in a fun, relevant way!

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 237: Libros que predijeron el futuro

These books predicted the future!

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 236: ¿Puntual o impuntual?

Some people are always late. Is there science behind that fact?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 235: Conoce México Parte 1

4 beautiful states in Mexico you need to visit

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 234: ¿Por qué existen los acentos?

What’s the sexiest accent?

Vocabulary Guide

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Episodio 233: No pierdas la motivación

Let’s discuss motivation, procrastination and tips to keep going

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Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Episodio 232: Ana responde tus preguntas de español

Ana answers your submitted grammar/Spanish questions

Vocabulary Guide

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Episodio 231: How to Spanish baby

We’re having a baby!

Vocabulary Guide

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Episodio 230: Problemas de pronunciación

Common mistakes when speaking Spanish

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Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Episodio 229: Día de Reyes

One of the favorite traditions of Mexicans

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Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Episodio 228: El fin de año alrededor del mundo

Different cultures celebrate the New Year with different fun traditions

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Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript


Episodio 227: Todos comemos

Eating habits and etiquette is different around the world.

Vocabulary guide https://www.patreon.com/posts/76370563/
Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript https://www.patreon.com/posts/76370564/
Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz https://www.patreon.com/posts/76370566/

Episodio 226: El español cambió mi vida

Real-life stories about learning Spanish

Vocabulary guide https://www.patreon.com/posts/76109508/
Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript https://www.patreon.com/posts/76109511/
Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz https://www.patreon.com/posts/76109514/

Episodio 225: Hábitos para un mejor 2023

Habits to improve areas of your life!

Vocabulary guide https://www.patreon.com/posts/75823638/
Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript https://www.patreon.com/posts/75823646/
Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz https://www.patreon.com/posts/75823653/

Episodio 224: Todo sobre el español

Vocabulary guide https://www.patreon.com/posts/75515098/

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript https://www.patreon.com/posts/75515102/

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz https://www.patreon.com/posts/75515108/

Episodio 223: Aventuras en EUA (2022)

We went back to United States after 5 years. This is what happened.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 222: Palabras divertidas en español

Slang words we found in an old book that are still used today.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 221: Mensajes subliminales

Do they work?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 220: La conferencia políglota

Our experience meeting polyglots and other content creators

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 219: Chistes con explicación

Fun jokes, but we explain why they're funny in Spanish

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Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 218: Mitos que mucha gente cree

These are just NOT true

Vocabulary guide 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + Interactive activities 

Episodio 217: Hacer amigos es difícil

Why is it so hard to make friends?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + transcript

Vocabulary guide + transcript + quiz

Episodio 216: Expresiones con D

10 expressions with letter D

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 215: El diseño de interiores y la mente

How different types of spaces affect your mind and creativity

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 214: La vida de una profesora de español (ft. Nicté)

Teaching Spanish is not what she thought it would be

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 213: El universo digital

The world of tech is moving to the metaverse. Are you ready for it?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 212 : Lo que nadie te dijo sobre los mexicanos

You probably didn't know this about Mexican people.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 211: Símbolos que unen a los mexicanos

A bit about the Mexican flag and National Anthem.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 210: Aniversario 4

Celebrating 4 years of How to Spanish.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 209: Ser niño en México en los 60 y 90 (ft. papás de Ana)

A heart-warming conversation about growing up in Mexico.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 208: Hablemos de leer (ft. Cartas de un Lector)

Advanced episode with Rodrigo, an avid reader and youtuber

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz 

Episodio 207: ¡Compramos una casa!

Listen to our experience buying a house in Mexico

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 206: Hablar de experiencias favoritas

Can you understand these Spanish stories?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 205: ¿Cómo experimentas el mundo? (los sentidos)

We assume everyone uses their senses in the same way...

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 204: Preguntas profundas en español

Level up your Spanish conversation with these deep questions

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 203: Sobre pasteles y Francia

What do France, Mexico, and cakes have in common? A war

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 202: Cómo no olvidar palabras en español

8 strategies to learn Spanish vocabulary

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 201: La medicina alternativa (ft. Doctor Lin)

We interview medical surgeon and acupuncturist Lin to talk about alternative medicine.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 200: 200 episodios, 20 datos curiosos

We celebrate reaching the 200 episodes milestone sharing 20 fun facts about Mexico and Spanish

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 199: Cortarse el pelo y comprar ropa

How to shop and get a haircut in Spanish

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + Quiz

Episodio 198: Misterios sin resolver

Mexico's unsolved mysteries will get you thinking!

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 197: Trabajos extraños

What are the oddest, most uncommon jobs in the world?

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 196: Amor international (ft. La Chica de Quebec)

We interview the YouTuber known as La Chica de Quebec and her husband Samuel about their international relationship and how they plan to raise their son.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 195: Locuras mexicanas (ft. Mextalki)

Efra and Diego from Mextalki share with us the funniest things that you can only experience in Mexico

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 194: Cómo ser amable en México (parte 2)

This is what we say and do when buying in stores and riding a bus in Mexico

Vocabulary guide 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + Interactive activities 

Episodio 193: Entrevista con el creador de Beelinguapp

We talk to David Montiel, a Mexican who created an app to learn languages

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 192: Cómo ser amable en México (parte 1)

You'll never be confused about what to do when invited over or apologizing in Spanish

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 191: ¿Te pondrías esta tecnologia?

Crazy and interesting technology that you can wear

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 190: Deportistas increíbles y mexicanos

These 4 Mexican athletes are truly remarkable! Let's talk about sports.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + Interactive activities

Episodio 189: Hablemos sobre bailar

We interview our friend Arlette about her career as a professional Latin music dancer!

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 188: Palabras nuevas del 2022

These are the "new" official words added to a Spanish dictionary. They are... special.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 187: Hablemos sobre viajar

Let's have a casual conversation about traveling and learn new vocabulary!

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 186: Confianza para hablar español (ft. Nate's Adventures)

We interview the Youtube Nate about his best tips to speak Spanish with confidence

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 185: Yo nunca nunca (presente perfecto)

Let's answer some fun and embarrassing questions in Spanish to practice the present perfect.

Vocabulary guide 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + Interactive activities 

Episodio 184: ¿De dónde vienen los mexicanos?

Did you know that Mexicans have an African and Asian roots?

Vocabulary guide 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz 

Episodio 183: Limpieza y tareas de la casa

Let's talk about cleaning and cultural differences

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 182: Ser emprendedor

Quitting 9-5

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 181: Subjuntivo pasado en conversación

How to use the past subjunctive in real-life situations

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 180: Un libro bicultural y una vida bilingüe

We spoke to the award-winning author Rudy Ruiz about his book and his experience growing up bilingual

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 179: Mercados y tianguis

This experience is a MUST

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 178: Festivales que no te puedes perder

Add these cities and festivals to your travel bucket list!

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 177: ¿Qué comen los mexicanos?

What we eat EVERY DAY

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + quiz

Episodio 176: Cómo mejorar tu español en el 2022

10 tips to make sure you have a productive, happy year studying Spanish

Vocabulary guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary

Activity + transcript + guide


Episodio 175: Palabras con orígenes interesantes

These Spanish words actually come from different languages.

Vocabulary guide

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide

Episodio 174: Hablemos sobre música

Interesting questions to make sure you rock your next Spanish conversation about music.

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 173: Cosas extrañas en México

Foreigners were shocked about these Mexican things.

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 172:  El pasado es muy extraño

Do you remember life without cellphones or the internet? Let's go down memory lane.

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 171: Los nombres en español

This is how Spanish names and last names work!

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 170: La Guerra que nos cambió

Mexican history is so full of drama.

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 169: Los mayas (ft. Ximena)

An expert shares with us incredible facts about the Mayan culture

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 168: Viviendo en EUA sin saber inglés (ft. papá de Ana)

Ana's dad shares what he had to sacrifice in order to learn English

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 167: Hablemos sobre dormir

We all sleep... but do you know why?

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 166: Vocabulario de relaciones

David and Ana answer fun relationship questions

Vocabulary guide 

Interactive transcript + vocabulary 

Activity + transcript + guide 

Episodio 165: ¿Cómo es ser INGENIERA mujer en México? (Ft. Emilia)

Emilia shares her experience working in a factory and juggling a 9-5 + a side hustle.

Vocabulary guide

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + Interactive activities

Episodio 164: Series que son fenómeno

Let's talk about Money Heist and Squid Game in Spanish and why they are so popular worldwide.

Vocabulary + Transcript + Games

Vocabulary + Transcript


Episodio 163: 3 animales en peligro

3 incredible and cute endemic animals from Mexico

Vocabulary + Transcript + Games

Vocabulary + Transcript


Episodio 162: Frida Kahlo

A famous and very controversial Mexican painter.

Vocabulary + Transcript + Games

Vocabulary + Transcript


Episodio 161: Mucho más que colores

We all know colors in Spanish, but let´s talk about what they mean and evoke.

Vocabulary guide 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript 

Vocabulary guide + Interactive transcript + Interactive activities 

Episodio 160: Postres y dulces mexicanos

What do Mexicans eat when their sweet tooth kicks in?

Vocabulary Guide

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript

Vocabulary guide + interactive transcript + interactive activities

Episodio 159: Mexicanos que debes conocer

These were the influencers of the past when social media was not a thing.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 158: Buenas noticias en la pandemia

Faith in humanity... restored.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 157: Cómo manejar en México

In this episode we tell you all you need to know to drive in Mexico and live to tell the story.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 156: Aniversario 3 - Buenas preguntas en español

In this episode we celebrate our 3rd anniversary LIVE.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch this video  in YouTube or the live version

Episodio 155: Filipinas y México, ¿muy similares?

Did you know that The Philippines and Mexico have so much in common? But why isn't Spanish spoken there?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 154: Juegos Olímpicos en Tokio

Let's talk about one of the weirdest Olympic Games in history.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 153: Mismo idioma, diferente cultura (amigos de Venezuela)

Pedro and Dani share their experience moving to Mexico from Venezuela .

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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Episodio 152: Expresiones con comida parte 2

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 151: Películas favoritas

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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Episodio 150: Choques culturales

Mexicans have trouble adjusting sometimes when visiting other countries.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 149: Experiencias escolares mexicanas

We tell you how it was for us to study elementary school at Mexico

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 148: Hablemos de genética e identidad

Are we truly unique? What makes us different?

 Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode . 

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Episodio 147: Expresiones de oficina

What do Mexicans do and say in an office setting? It is kinda funny

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch this episode in YouTube 

Episodio 146: Errores que cambiaron la historia

In this episode we tell you about some mistakes that changed history for good and for bad! Who would have thought such a tiny event could make such a huge difference?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 145: Los nativos también se equivocan

In this episode we share with you the common mistakes that Spanish native speakers are likely to make! We don't even know we're making mistakes sometimes! This episode can help you understand native speakers better and also help you not make the same mistakes! or make them... whatever you decide ;)

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode . 

Watch this episode in YouTube

Episodio 144: Cómo ser productivo

How to be productive and happy in a world full of to-do lists

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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Episodio 143: El metro de Ciudad de México

Mexico's subway is a very interesting place where lots of crazy things happen!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 142: Mamás mexicanas

Mexican mom's are ICONIC and so are the phrases that they use to raise their children

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 141: Expresiones con comida

Mexican expressions that use food

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 140: Neuromarketing

Why do we buy what we buy?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 139: Tipos de amigos mexicanos

Learn new vocabulary and adjectives to describe people in Spanish.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

Watch this episode on YouTube here

Episodio 138: La ola coreana

Why is Korea so popular around the world?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 137: Las redes sociales

In this episode we talk about social media, how they work and specially the new trends such as TikTok

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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Episodio 136: ¿Qué significa echar?

In this episode we share with you several common expressions with the verb ECHAR in SPANISH to help you sound more like a native speaker and understand Spanish conversations better.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch the video here

Episodio 135: Porfirio Díaz, ¿villano?

In this episode we have a casual debate in SPANISH about a Mexican dictator, Porfirio Díaz!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch this episode in YouTube 

Episodio 134: Historias de hermanos

In this episode we start easy by hearing David and Ana talk about their siblings... and then our special guests make the episode more advanced! Challenge yourself!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 133: Juegos de mesa

In this episode we talk about 3 common board games in Mexico and we share vocabulary about playing in Spanish.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

Watch this episode in YouTube 

Episodio 132: Tacos (parte 2)

In this episode we continue talking about the variety of tacos in Mexico!! How many have you tried? Which one would you hate to try?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word  

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

Watch this episode in YouTube 

Episodio 131: Tacos (parte 1)

In this episode we talk about TACOS, the types, the origins and how to order.

Interactive Transcript- Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 130: Libro sagrado maya (Popol Vuh)

Learn Spanish in this episode with the basic rules for past in Spanish and then tell you the story found in the Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Mayan culture.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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Episodio 129: Lugares extraños del mundo

In this episode, chosen by our Patrons, we share some of the strangest but most beautiful places in the world! Learn Spanish with us.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word  

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

Watch this episode in YouTube 

Episodio 128: Los enojones

Learn Spanish with this episode where we talk about being grumpy. Learn vocabulary and expressions Mexican people use when we talk about our negative emotions.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

Watch this episode in YouTube 

Episodio 127: La moda mexicana

Learn Spanish with this conversation about fashion and clothes. We talk about fashion, how it has evolved in Mexico, some famous Mexican designers and what we like to wear now. This episode is intermediate level, B2.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch in YouTube

Episodio 126 Los mayas: Grandes científicos

In this episode we help you improve your Spanish listening skills by talking about the incredible Mayan culture. Learn Spanish with us!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 125: La relación entre corazón y cerebro

In this episode we share with you interesting facts about how the heart and the brain work together. We also discuss why a heart is the international symbol of love.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch in YouTube

Episodio 124: Lo mejor de nuestro 2020

En este episodio te contamos sobre nuestras cosas favoritas del 2020. ¿Cuáles fueron las tuyas?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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Episodio 123: El último episodio

This is the last episode... of the year. We walk about Mexican humor.

Learn more about the learning experience we offer here https://howtospanishpodcast.com/podcast/

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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Episodio 122: La navidad en latinoamérica

This is how Latin America celebrates Christmas!

 Learn more about the learning experience we offer here https://howtospanishpodcast.com/podcast/

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episodio 121: La inteligencia y el éxito

En este episodio nos preguntamos qué es la inteligencia y qué tan relacionada está con tener éxtio o no en la vida. 

Interactive transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word 

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode 

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EP 120: Mexicana y estadounidense en Puerto Rico ft. Spanish and Go

In this episode we interview Jim and May from Spanish and Go. They tell us about living in Puerto Rico, the type of Spanish used there, the main differences between Mexican - American - Puerto Rican culture, and they tell us about their project.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word  

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 119: Bodas mexicanas

In this episode we talk about things that every Mexican wedding has! Also learn about how common it is to get married and when in Mexico.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 118: El viernes negro mexicano

In this episode we talk about El Buen Fin, the Mexican Black Friday. Learn know how the pandemic has shaped commerce and what Mexican consumers are more interested in buying this year. We also talk about actual Black Friday, its origins and how it has expanded to the rest of the world.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 117: El Boom Latinoamericano

In this episode we discuss a literary movement known as Latin American Boom. Many world-known writers began their career during that movement and they incorporated many interesting characteristics to literature. Learn vocabulary related to books, writers and more in Spanish

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episodeWatch this episode in YouTube

EP 116: La vida minimalista

In this episode we talk about minimalism. This tendency goes beyond having a clutter-free home. Have you heard the term frugal hoarder? Well, now you will know what it means...

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 115: La muerte en la cultura mexicana

In this episode we explore the reasons why death has such a particular impact in Mexican culture. We teach your several expressions in Spanish to talk about death. Learn more about the learning experience we offer here

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Ep 114: El cine mexicano

Learn more about the Golden Age in Mexican cinema, world-famous directors and the top 100 Mexican movies of all times.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 113: Tesoros mexicanos en el extranjero

Some ancient Mexican treasures are scattered all around the world. Should Mexico claim them back?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere to listen to a specific word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 112: Impuestos locos

Taxes are a necessary evil, but you have to admit that some of them are just nuts.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version to listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 111: Frases con T

Learn these 14 expressions that start with letter T such as ten, tronchatoro, tingo al tango.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version to listen to a particular word

Spanish vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 110: Los mejores lugares para vivir en México

Find out which places are the best in terms of life quality, safety and services.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version to listen to a particular word

Spanish vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 109: Adverbios mexicanos

This are fun words you need to know to express yourself more like a native.

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version to listen to a particular word

Spanish vocabulary guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 108: Las mujeres en la guerra de independencia de México

Women´s role in history has been often overlooked. We tell you about the women who played a part in the Mexican War of Independence

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version to listen to a particular word

Spanish vocabulary guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 107: Los preppers (preparacionistas)

People known as preppers are ready for anything! Let´s learn about them.

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 106: Convertirse en adulto en México

Mexicans can vote among many other things when we turn 18... but how does the life if an adult really looks like? We also talk about the military culture.

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version to listen to particular word

Vocabulary guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 105: Tener un coche en México

Let´s talk about owning, selling and buying a car in Mexico. Learn specific slang and the Mexican culture around cars.

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 104: Aniversario 2

Celebrate with us! We share some real-life stories from our listeners to keep you inspired to learn more Spanish!

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 103: ¿Por qué comemos hamburguesas en México?

When hamburgers first appeared in Mexico, they were considered a refined and exclusive meal by some and a threat to Mexican authentic culture by others

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 102: El sorprendete origen de estas palabras

Have you ever wondered why we say certain things? In this episode we share the origin of words such as bueno, adiós, chido and gringo.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 101: Cómo discutir y pelear en español

An important part of improving in a language is being able to express different such as anger and disagreement. In this episode we show you how to argue in Spanish (clean version)

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 100: Enfermedades y síntomas en mexicano

In Mexico we have a lot of funny words to describe symptoms such as feeling down, being surprised, being in shock and many other things. Learn all this slang in this episode.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 99: Palabras que no pueden traducirse

These words convey more than just a meaning, they convey a culture! We will learn some unique words in Spanish and other languages.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch this episode - in Youtube

EP 98: Cómo usar la palabra SE en español

This little word can drive you crazy... Learn all of its possible meanings and practice with the exercise we included on the PDF

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Watch this episode - in Youtube

EP 97: Las increíbles e inteligentes abejas

Did you know bees make bread? Did you know they know how to add and substract?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 96: El emperador extranjero que amaba México

Mexico was invaded by the French. Once more, Mexico had a foreign emperor: an enemy... or maybe not

Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

PDF Grammar and vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in Youtube

EP 95: ¿Qué personalidad tienen los mexicanos?

There are so many types of personality! Let's dive into it and explore if there is a relationship between the culture of a country and the personality of its inhabitants.

Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

PDF Grammar and vocab guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in Youtube

EP 94: El cerebro bilingüe

Do you know what goes on in the brains of bilinguals? There are at least 3 types of bilingual people... which one are you? Do you have an accent? What do you think about accents?

Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Grammar and vocab guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 93: La clase media en México

How do people live in Mexico? Learn 2 new words that are everywhere in Mexican news and politics ¨fifí¨and ¨chairo¨

Interactive transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Grammar and vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 92: Cosas que pasan en las grandes ciudades

Let´s talk about good and bad things that happen in big cities, such as Mexico City.

Interactive transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 91: Cosas desagradables que nos pasan a todos

Everyday-life things that can gross you out!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 90: La vida estudiantil

How many students in Mexico leave home to study college? What do students eat in Mexico? We also talk about types of college students.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 89: Las propinas

Do you know how much to tip in Mexico and other Latin American countries? We also share fun stories about this topic!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 88: Canciones que los mexicanos cantan

Find out what songs have passed from one generation to another and have become part of the Mexican identity.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 87: Cosas únicas en la cocina mexicana

We share with you some interesting Mexican kitchen gadgets and we tell you how Mexicans behave in the kitchen!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

PDF - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video in YouTube

EP 86: Vecinos mexicanos (special episode live episode)

We all have neighbors. What type of neighbor are you?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Video behind the scenes (exclusive for Patreon)

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EP 85: Hablemos sobre café

Let´s talk about coffee, its origins and cool facts!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 84: La red de espías nazis en México

Did you know there were Nazi spies in Mexico during WW2?

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 83: Expresiones mexicanas con M

A list of expressions that start with letter M

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 82: ¿Qué y cómo comen los mexicanos?

Mexicans certainly eat different food, but also they eat at different times! Learn all about it in our cultural episode.

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EP 81: La otra cara de la moneda: enseñar inglés en México (ft. mamá de Ana)

Let´s get frist hand information about the evolution of English teaching in Mexico from Ana´s mom: an English teacher for over 20 years.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 80: Hablemos del coronavirus en español

With everyone talking about this new virus, it is important to know how to talk about it in Spanish!

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Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 79: Cómo reconocer una casa mexicana

Get a glimpse of what a common Mexican house looks like. The story behind some trinkets is really hilarious.

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Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 78: La malinche: la mujer que cambió la historia de México

Considered by many as a traitor, we will dive into the astonishing story of this indigenous woman whose character and language skills helped her become one of the most powerful woman in her time. Let´s learn how she played a crucial part during the Spanish conquest of Mexico.

Interactive transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 77: Cómo invitar a alguien

You wil learn several ways of inviting someone. We will also teach you how to accept or decline an invitation the Mexican style.

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Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 76: Sonidos y ruidos en español mexicano

We share common onomatopoeias used in Mexico. This episode is a blast!

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 75: Series en español (parte 1)

We talk about some series in Spanis: La niña, Velvet, El Gran Hotel, Narcos México and Ingobernable. We discuss the type of Spanish used and what to expect.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 74: Frases mexicanas con P

Learn 15 expressions and words Mexican people use daily along with the explanation and some examples.

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Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 73: Lugares mágicos en México

You asked for it, we record it. Let's talk about world heritage sites in Mexico. These are beautiful places considered vital for culture and nature. Take note and plan your next trip to Mexico!

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Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 72: Historias sobre aprender español

You shared your stories about learning Spanish and we share them with the world! Listen to funny and inspirational stories about real people who have been in the same language learning journey as you.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 71: Medicinas Mexicanas

Mexicans have unique ways of treating certain ailments that have passed from one generation to the next. Learn all about it.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 70: Feliz Navidad 2019

Learn strange things Mexicans do related to Christmas and the culture surrounding this holiday.

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Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 69: Subjuntivo en la vida real

Subjuntivo is a difficult topic to master, and even after studying and understanding the grammar, using it in active conversation is really difficult. In this episode we explain basic rules and then discuss different topics using lots and lots of subjunctive.

Interactive transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 68: Buenos y malos modales mexicanos

Each culture has a unique set of good and bad manners. In this episode we tell you what to do, not to do and what to expect when you have encounters with Mexican people.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 67: Comidas mexicanas exóticas

Every country has its share of exotic. Have you tried these Mexican dishes? Do they sound exotic to you?

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Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 66: La evolución de México

Let´s talk about the changes Mexico has experience throughout these last couple of decades. Changes go from the territory, political order, social thinking, and economy.

Interactive transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 65: Expresiones mexicanas con "S"

Another one of our series of expressions with letters!

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EP 64: Historias de miedo

Not a Halloween special, but true stories that have scared David and Ana. What can be more scary than thinking you are about to die or get kidnapped?

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EP 63: Las horribles juntas

We all hate meetings! But why? Let´s talk about the types of meetings, how to make them better and the type of people who go to meetings.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 62: Soñar en español

We talk about dreaming and sleeping. We teach you how to express these concepts in Spanish because we do it VERY differently than English. Why do we dream? What do we dream about? Find out all these interesting facts.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Bonus video: Thank you Patrons day

We celebrate Patrons day with a special video and a special song

EP 61: Historias chistosas y rápidas con Mafer

This is a special episode for advanced students. Meet Mafer, a very fun girl who will share with us 3 of her favorite crazy stories.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 60: La caída de los aztecas

This is part 2 of our episode about the Aztecs. We will discover how and why their empire collapsed. Was it because the Spanish people had guns and numbers? Maybe they didn't have as many guns and numbers as you thought.

Interactive transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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EP 59: ¿Los mexicanos hablan inglés?

Do you know how many mexicans can actually speak English? Learn the most common words Mexican people use in English in daily life and the Spanish translation.

Interactive Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

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Ep 58: Café Tacvba (descubriendo música en español)

This is a very extravagant bad that almost every Mexican has heard about or sang along to. They have been called the embodiment of current Mexican culture. Let´s talk about them and how you can use their songs to practice grammar.

Interactive Transcript- Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Spotify playlist with their songs

Ep 57: Tecnología móvil - México vs the world

Do you know how expensive is Internet in Mexico and around the world? What brand do Mexicans prefer? How do we communicate with each other? Learn all this interesting cultural facts.

Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

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Ep 56: Los Aztecas (history of Mexico)

The Aztecs were a huge Empire that managed to change the political order of America in less than 100 years. They were able to build a city in the middle of a muddy lake and their buildings methods were innovative. Find out about Mexican culture with this really interesting podcast.

Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide -PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Ep 55: 10 preguntas para una conversación interesante en español

It´s easy to do small talk... but then what? Learn a few ways you can up your conversation game in Spanish

Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide -PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Ep 54: Natalia Lafourcade

A Mexican Grammy-winner singer who is deeply connected to her roots and who is considered a gap between generations.

Transcript - Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide -PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episode 53: Expresiones con "B"

Podcast: Learn 9 expressions with letter B to sound more like a native speaker.

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Episode 52: ¿Quienes somos? (anniversary celebration)

Podcast: We will look back into the year and talk about our favorite episodes along with the experience of being podcasters for a year. We announce new exciting things for the year to come!

Vocabulary guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

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Episode 51: Inventos mexicanos

Podcast: Listen to 10 mexican inventions or contributions that changed the world one way or another.

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Episode 50: Jorge Drexler (descubriendo música en español)

Podcast: This is the first of a series of episodes where we will introduce a Spanish-speaking artist whose lyrics and music are high quality and good for students to really advance their Spanish level and vocabulary. Jorge Drexler, from Uruguay, is a doctor, writer, poet, and musician whose lyrics combine topics such as life, love, science and current events. Interesting, huh?

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 49: Expresiones mexicanas con "A"

Podcast: Learn +10 expressions that start with letter A to sound more like a native speaker.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 48: Canasta básica y salario mínimo

Podcast: Join us to learn more about Mexican economy, the minimum wage in comparison to other countries, as well as the food products that are considered vital by Mexican people.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 47: Expresiones mexicanas con "C"

Podcast: Learn 10 expressions that start with letter C to sound more like a native speaker.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 46: Acentuación y calambur

Podcast: We will learn the basic rules of intonation and writing in Spanish and then we´ll have some fun listening to puns and riddles.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 45: Bilingüismo e inmersión (ft. Ashley)

Podcast: Are you bilingual? What does it mean, anyway? Let´s talk about this topic and dive into the idea of doing an immersion trip to a Spanish-speaking country + raising bilingual children.

Vocabulary Guide:  - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 44: Fiesta de cumpleaños

Podcast: There is a lot to learn when it comes to Mexican etiquette for birthdays. Links to videos showing real-life examples of the things we talk about in the episode.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 43: Relación México-Centroamérica

Podcast: Learn all about the story of Central American countries and the complicated relationship with Mexico. Listen to what some people think about the immigration crisis.

Vocabulary Guide: PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 42: Chistes

Podcast: Let´s talk about jokes. Understanding humor in another language is REALLY hard. Listen to our jokes and the explanations to help you practice your funny side in Spanish.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 41: Compras en línea

Podcast: Do Mexicans buy online? The answer might shock you. If you live in Mexico, this episode will help you learn where to buy what.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 40: Transporte público (parte 2)

Podcast: Now we will talk about taxis and digital platforms such as Uber and the polemics in Mexico City and Querétaro + tips on how to travel safe.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 39: Transporte público (parte 1)

Podcast: You will learn about public transportation in Mexico city: how much it costs, the good and the bad + tips on how to use transportation like a local.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 38: El día de las Madres

Podcast: Family is a huge deal for Mexicans, but mothers are THE most important. Learn all about Mexico´s matriarchal culture + funny mom phrases.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 37: Cinco de mayo

Podcast: Do you know what Mexicans really celebrate this day? The story behind this popular celebration might shock you.

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Episode 36: Aprender un idioma

Podcast: Let´s talk about the process of learning a new language, the good and the bad. We will share our top tips to find a right teacher and improve your level.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 35: Comprar en mercados y tianguis en México

Podcast: If you´re planning to visit or live in Mexico, this episode is what you need to learn how we buy things and where and what we say. This is all you need to get started and buy things like a local in Mexico.

Vocabulary Guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 34: Ordenar comida en México

Podcast: Learn the phrases you will encounter when ordering food in Mexico. You will learn what to say depending on the type of restaurant you go to. We will guide you from the moment you first say hello to the host until you pay the check and leave a tip.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 33: Objeto directo e indirecto 

Podcast: Surely you have seen those little words in Spanish like: "me", "se", "la" and wondered what they mean or how to use it. We explore the basic rules of this very popular grammar topic and go over some examples for you to grasp the concept.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 32: Los lords y ladies mexicanos

Podcast: Mix technology, social justice and social media and you get this very interesting phenomenom. You will get a better understanding of Mexican culture.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 31: Enfermarse en México

Podcast: Learn how the health system works in Spanish and what are the options when seeking medical attention.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 30: Manejando por México

Podcast: Get local insight on what it is like to drive around Mexico, is it safe? is it expensive? Listen to our stories and you ´ll be ready to hit the road.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 29: Adjetivos para describir personas

Podcast: This is not your normal adjective lesson. During this episode you will learn completely new ways of describing a person like a Mexican would.

(the audio includes a free sample of the PDF, to get the complete one, click below on PDF)

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 28: Adjetivos para describir lugares (Querétaro)

Podcast: Improve your story telling skills with all the new words and 8 key structures you will learn on this episode + get to know one of the fastest growing cities in Mexico: Querétaro.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 27: La universidad en México

Podcast: Learn how the education system works in Mexico and the process through which students go through to enroll in one of the most prestigious public universities in Mexico.

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 26: Leyendas mexicanas

Podcast: Listen to stories and urban legends that have been important throughout mexican culture and that have inspired movies and music too.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 25: Adictos al trabajo

Podcast: Are you a workoholic? How´s the work culture in your country? Let´s talk about work and its impact. You will be able to practice your listening skills with some numbers and names of countries and nationalities. Can you get them all?

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 24: Títulos de películas

Podcast: Do you know why some movie titles get translated while others don´t? Sometimes the title in English is so different from the Spanish title... who makes that call and why? Listen to this episode to find out about this very interesting process of translating movies.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 23: Palabras similares, pero diferentes

Podcast: Words with multiple meanings can be tricky! That´s why we share with you the most common words with more than 1 meaning so that you´re ready to understand more and expand your vocabulary. You will also learn the names of letters in Spanish.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 22: ¡Qué oso!

Podcast: Learn this very useful expression and practice your listening skills in the past by listening to this fun, super embarrasing stories we share with you.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 21: De la ficción a la realidad

Podcast: It´s 2019 and there seems to be a new technology before we can even blink! We talk about two revolutionary systems that use AI and that were also thought of years and years before they became real.

Vocabulary Guide- PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 20: El primo de un amigo (la familia)

Podcast: Family is a huge deal in Mexican culture. We have names for people who are not even part of our family! You will learn a lot of new concepts that are everyday stuff for Mexicans.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 19: Servicio al cliente Ft. Aideé

Podcast: Have you ever imagined what it is like to have a job in which you need to help people that don´t speak your native language? We interview Aideé, a bilingual costumer service representative for Kobo (based in Canada). She shares with us the best and the worst of her job.

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 18: ¡Feliz Navidad! (video)

Podcast: We share with you how Mexico looks like for Christmas. We share with you a walk through one of the biggest malls in Querétaro and we share some hints of our personal celebration as a family.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 17: Palabras que NO conocías

Podcast: As new technology appears, new concepts and therefore new words appear too. The thing is that those words are usually in English, so... what happens when we adapt them to Spanish? Learn new words that have been officialy accepted by the RAE in Spanish. Also learn common abbreviations for long words that natives use ALL THE TIME.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 16: No viajes a México: mito o realidad + Q&A  (video)

Podcast: They say going to Mexico is DANGEROUS... is it true? Get some tips to travel safe and listen to our opinion regarding hotels vs Airbnb.

Q&A: On the last part of the episode, you will listen to our listener´s questions: when to use tú or usted and when to use pretérito or imperfecto.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Bonus: the guide with the places we went to in Ixtapa and photos

Episode 15: Maratón Guadalupe- Reyes

Podcast: Did you know that from Dec 12 to Jan 6 Mexicans party almost every day?! We´ll explain each of these celebrations.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 14: Supersticiones

Podcast: We talk about strange beliefs people have!

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Episode 13: Privacidad y redes sociales

Podcast: Is your information really private? What do you think of systems that assign a score to their citizens depending on their behavior on social media?

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Episode 12: Me anda del 2 (frases con números)

Podcast: Mexicans use a lot of expressions with numbers. We can express luck, basic needs and even quality just by using numbers. Learn how on the podcast.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 11: El radio y el pánico

Podcast: Let´s talk about the radio and its evolution. You will listen to some interesting data as well as a famous story of a collective suicide caused by a radio program.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 10: Ahorita y tantito

Podcast: These words are SOOO common in Spanish, yet the meaning can be truly confusing. Listen to the podcast to learn the possible meanings and how to understand native speakers better.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 9 ¡No!

Podcast: Have you heard that Mexicans have a hard time saying no? Well, this is a cultural feature that affects how Mexicans relate to each other, to foreigners and even the government. After listening to this podcast, you will be able to understand Mexican culture better and not be confused ever again.

Vocabulary Guide - PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 8 Refranes mexicanos

Podcast: Learn common mexican sayings and how to apply them to sound more like a native speaker!

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 7 Amigos raros

Podcast: You know those weird friends we all have? We´ll talk about David and Ana´s experiences. You can practice past tense by listening to their stories.

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Episode 6 La basura

Podcast: Let´s talk about trash! Do you know how much it costs to transport waste? Listen to some ridiculous stories of people loosing valuable things in the trash.

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 5 La educación en México (Ft. 6 year old Sam)

Podcast: Let´s hear how the Mexican education system works and get insight from a 6 year old studying in Mexico.

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Episode 4 La fiesta de independencia

Podcast: Learn cool facts about Mexican Independence Day (not 5 de Mayo, btw) and hear us talk about this very important celebration.

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Bonus Episode Una obsesión del mexicano: chile y limón

Podcast: Learn why Mexicans seem to be obsessed with spicy food and lime. Listen to some theories and the cultural facts behind this well known stereotype.

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Episode 3 Mascotas y perrhijos

Podcast: Learn about the growing market of pets and pets services, how much mexican spend and some interesting facts about how we used to treat animals in the past.

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Transcripción Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Episode 2 Los godinez y las oficinas en México

Podcast: Learn about corporate life and work culture in Mexico.

Vocabulary Guide PDF to learn vocabulary from this episode

Interactive Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word

Episode 1 Costumbres mexicanas extrañas 

Podcast: Learn funny cultural things Mexicans do.

Vocabulary Guide Grammar: Learn when to use ING verbs and when not to.

Transcript Download the transcript or click anywhere in the interactive version listen to a particular word